My Services

I am so passionate about working with you individually to help improve your style. I don't always have availability. If no times are available on the calendar, it means I'm fully booked at the moment. I release new times regularly!
For New clients
Gentle Guidance
30 minutes, 120 usd
The perfect session for new clients. These sessions are so helpful, clarifying, and inspiring - and the length helps it feel like a breezy chat.
I tell you which Style Key and archetype(s) would work best for you and how you can start using them. You receive the Foundations workbook for your Style Key and a recording of the call. Learn more.
for returning
Next Steps
30 minutes (100 usd)
Perfect for returning clients. Maybe you feel like you're on the right track but just need some more support. Maybe you feel confused and need some clarity.
In this session we will review a few of your recent outfits, talk deeper about your essence, and give you concrete strategies for moving forward.